Tampa Fish Species
Fish Season Calendar
Guide's Targeted Fish Species In January
Common Questions:
What time of year is best to go bowfishing?
Thats a great question, while in some places the best bowfishing takes place in the spring and fall Tampa Bay is a little bit different. In Tampa the best time to go bowfishing is all the time! Bowfishing remains great all year round, on top of that getting out at night in the summer can be a great way to beat the heat and stay out of the hot Florida sun.
How many species of fish are in Tampa Bay?
There are over 200 different species of fish in Tampa Bay both small and large, this is a truly diverse fishery!
Can you eat fish from Tampa Bay?
Yes you can absolutely eat fish from Tampa Bay. Most of the fish we target are actually very low in mercury and make for great meals!
What time of year is best for sheepshead in Florida?
The General school of thought on this is that Sheepshead fishing is best from November through September. However, we generally see good numbers of sheepshead in the bay all through the season here in Tampa.
Where is the best place to bowfish for stingrays?
The best places to bowfish for stringrays are salt marshes, estuaries and inlets. We have all of these at our finger tips here in Tampa, Stingrays are ambush predators which means they will stay hidden on the bottom and pop up and ambush unsuspecting prey like crabs and small bait fish. This makes bowfishing for them really fun and rewarding, they can be hard to spot due to their camouflaging techniques but provide a large target for our bowfishing bows!
What time of year is the mullet run in Florida?
The Florida mullet run generally starts around August and goes well through October. When it is in full effect the Florida Mullet run is an unbelievable site and provides some of the best night fishing and bowfishing opportunities around! These fish taste great and luckily we can bag at least 50 per person all through the year!
What are the most popular fish species for bowfishing in Tampa Bay?
In Tampa Bay, popular fish species for bowfishing include Redfish, Gar, and various species of Jack Crevalle. Captain Ike Carrasquillo of Tampa Bowfishing Charters specializes in targeting these species, providing expert guidance to ensure a successful and exciting bowfishing experience. Whether you're aiming for the elusive Gar or the thrilling Redfish, Captain Ike's knowledge will enhance your adventure.
When is the best time to target Redfish in Tampa Bay for bowfishing?
The best time to target Redfish in Tampa Bay is typically during the warmer months, from late spring through early fall. Redfish are most active in shallow waters during these periods, making them ideal targets for bowfishing. Captain Ike Carrasquillo schedules trips around these optimal conditions to maximize your chances of a successful catch.
What are some effective techniques for bowfishing Gar in Tampa Bay?
Bowfishing for Gar in Tampa Bay requires specific techniques due to their unique behavior. Effective strategies include targeting shallow, weedy areas where Gar are known to hunt. Captain Ike Carrasquillo uses specialized equipment and techniques to increase your chances of success, such as using powerful flood lamps to spot Gar and offering tips to improve accuracy.
Are there any seasonal variations in fish species availability for bowfishing in Tampa Bay?
Yes, there are seasonal variations in fish species availability for bowfishing in Tampa Bay. For example, Redfish and Gar are more prevalent during the warmer months, while other species might be more active during different times of the year. Captain Ike Carrasquillo adjusts his bowfishing strategies according to seasonal patterns to ensure you experience the best possible fishing conditions year-round.
A Tampa Bowfishing Charters Fishing Charter targets the top Tampa Fish species including null. We primarily Fish the Gulf of Mexico, Tampa Bay, Old Tampa Bay.